(212) sickday

(212) 742-5329

8 am – 9 pm

Types of Care

Care for
sports injuries​

Sports injuries can occur at unexpected times and in unexpected ways. Many sports injuries are painful and can affect many parts of the body including bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. 

For these types of injuries, our Board Certified Medical Practitioner can be at your location within 90 minutes.

8 am – 9 pm  |  7 Days a Week

8 am – 9 pm  |  7 Days a Week


Get Started

Complete the short form and a member of our team will call to schedule your house call visit in the next 5-10 minutes.

Hours of Operation:
8 am – 9 pm  |  7 Days a Week

Please note, we DO NOT take Medicare.

Powering a Healthy New York Every Day

Years of Operation

Founded in 2007, Sickday was the first in the New York market with Medical House calls.

of customers return
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Our clients love our service which is why over 98% of clients come back when they need care.

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As one of the oldest and most trusted Medical House Call service in New York City, we have treated more patients than any other service in the metropolitan area.

Hours of Operation:
8 am – 9 pm  |  7 Days a Week

Call us at


Follow the link below to complete the short form and a member of our team will call to schedule your house call visit in the next 5-10 minutes.

Please note, we DO NOT take Medicare.