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8 am – 9 pm

Stay Safe on Public Transportation: 5 Health-Conscious Techniques


Public transportation is a crucial component of urban life, especially for those residing in bustling cities. These vital services, including buses, trains, subways, and trams, offer a practical and cost-effective way to travel. However, due to the high number of individuals using these services daily, they can become a hotspot for germs and viruses, posing a significant health risk. As part of our commitment to public health and safety, we have compiled five health-conscious techniques to help you stay safe when using public transportation.

Technique 1: Regularly Sanitize Your Hands

One of the primary ways we come into contact with germs is through our hands. When using public transportation, you’re likely to touch various surfaces, including handrails, seats, ticket machines, and door handles, all of which could potentially be contaminated. Regular hand sanitizing is thus crucial. It’s advisable to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and use it frequently. Make sure you cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

Technique 2: Avoid Touching Your Face

Our hands come into contact with a multitude of surfaces that may be contaminated with harmful pathogens. These germs can enter our bodies if we touch our faces, particularly our eyes, nose, and mouth. To reduce the risk of infection, avoid touching your face as much as possible until you’ve had a chance to wash or sanitize your hands thoroughly.

Technique 3: Wear a Mask

Over the past year, we’ve seen the importance of masks in preventing the spread of airborne diseases. Wearing a mask while on public transportation can protect both you and other passengers. Masks work by trapping droplets that are released when the wearer talks, coughs, or sneezes. It’s best to wear a mask throughout your journey and only remove it once you’re away from crowded areas. Additionally, make sure your mask covers both your nose and mouth for it to be effective.

Technique 4: Practice Social Distancing

Another effective way to reduce the spread of germs is by practicing social distancing. Where possible, try to maintain a safe distance from other passengers. This may be challenging, especially during peak hours, but every bit helps in reducing the spread of germs. If the vehicle is too crowded, consider waiting for the next one or finding an alternative means of transportation.

Technique 5: Opt for Off-Peak Hours

If your schedule allows, try traveling during off-peak hours. This is usually when the number of passengers is significantly lower, and you can more easily practice social distancing. By avoiding crowded times, you can drastically reduce your exposure to crowds and, in turn, to potentially harmful germs.


While it’s impossible to completely avoid germs on public transportation, adopting these health-conscious techniques can significantly reduce your risk of infection. Remember, staying safe is not just about protecting yourself; it’s about playing your part in keeping public transportation safe for everyone. Let’s all remain vigilant and do our part in maintaining our health and that of our communities.

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8 am – 9 pm  |  7 Days a Week

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